DreamDay Technology Fellowship Logo

Let's create the impact together

How We Can Partner

We understand the value of collaboration and believe that your commitment to empowering communities aligns with the objectives of DreamDay Technology Fellowship. As a potential partner, you can contribute to the success of the fellowship in the following ways:


We grow by helping others

Benefits of The Partnership

Your company/organization’s logo will be prominently featured in all promotional materials, acknowledging your commitment to youth empowerment and digital skills development.

Public acknowledgement during fellowship events and the opportunity to address participants, showcasing your dedication to corporate social responsibility.

Access to a network of digitally skilled entrepreneurs, fostering potential collaborations and partnerships.

As a participating partner, you will play a pivotal role in the successful execution of the training activities, directly contributing to the impact of the fellowship.

Contributing to the socio-economic development of Sierra Leone.

If you are interested in partnering with us for this impactful initiative, we would be delighted to discuss the details of the partnership arrangement, including the level of financial support, the scope of involvement, and any unique considerations you may have. Your support will contribute to the long-term success of the fellowship and the positive impact it will have on the entrepreneurial landscape in Sierra Leone.
Please feel free to contact Kharifa Abdulai Kumara the Founder & Executive Director of DreamDay Technology at kharifa@dreamdaytech-sl.com or +232 76 111668 to schedule a meeting or to request additional information.


Implementing and supporting Partners

Onlime SL Logo
Atlas Media Inc Logo
Built Accounting Logo
Global Youth Newtwork Logo
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